Terms and conditions/AÖSp
General terms and conditions
We work exclusively on the basis of the General Austrian Terms and Conditions (AÖSp), latest version in each case, as well as according to the respective general transport, handling, storage, bill of landing conditions of the shipping companies/freight carriers represented or commissioned by us and the respective port conditions.
Our invoices are due promptly, payable without any deduction. In the event of overdue payment, interest on arrears must be charged in accordance with the forwarding agent’s tariff for merchant goods. Payable and actionable in Linz. Payments will be credited first to freight and fees, last to customs duties.
Complaints can only be considered if they are made immediately.
In case of invoices with customs duties, EUSt, the legal remedy instruction on the customs collection form/notice applies.
AEO – Security declaration
IBC “Internationale Spedition GmbH Linz” is an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO-F), which aims at securing the supply chain. Therefore, all customers, partners, suppliers and subcontractors are required to subject the services they provide to appropriate security measures that meet the performance standards and regulations of the secure supply chain.